by Aaron | Apr 30, 2023 | Website Software
Don’t you just hate it when you upgrade PHP to a new version and then you check the error_log file in your web hosting and notice it’s full of errors and warnings.
You really should always watch your error_log file no matter what content management system you use.
In this example it’s WordPress 6.2 on PHP 8.0.
[29-Apr-2023 23:56:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Constant ABSPATH already defined in /home/website/public_html/wp-config.php on line 34
Now what’s happening here is that WordPress has been updated to correct code issues with previous versions of PHP however the update process never updates the wp-config.php file which holds you precious website user and database credentials.
So you ALWAYS need to compare your wp-config.php with wp-config-sample.php after a major WordPress upgrade.
Here is what was in my old wp-config.php
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
Here is what was in the new wp-config-sample.php
/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . '/' );
The solution then is to update the wp-config.php and get the code right to what the sample showed.
Problem solved.
by Aaron | Mar 11, 2023 | News
Should you find yourself wanting to download private Vimeo videos as I did – here are the step by step instructions to follow.
This method is the free way – if you want to shortcut the process just buy the extension.
- Vimeo video (of course)
- Chrome web browser
- Simple Vimeo Downloader extension (get from the Chrome Store)
- Video editor application of your choice (Windows 11 bundled is ClipChamp)
Assuming you have all the pre-requisites
- Search the Chrome Store (use link above) and then install the Simple Vimeo Downloader extension

2. Enable the extension

3. Browse to your private Vimeo video page. You may have to play the video for the extension to find it.
4. Click on Simple Vimeo Downloader icon. This will overlay the download options onto the video.
- Choose which video size you want to download
- Choose the audio to download

5. Use a video editor to stitch the video and audio back together again. For example use the inbuilt Windows video editor – such as ClipChamp

by Aaron | Dec 25, 2013 | News
I’ve been very quite this year with communication. My new year resolution is to get back to keeping in constant contact so you know what’s going on with my products and running an online business.
In my offline business it’s become a tradition to do a special Christmas video. I got the idea years ago from Mike Stewart (some of you may know Mike as the internet audio guy). He does a fantastic self made music clip every Christmas.
Three years ago my family started syncing Christmas lights to music and it has become a new tradition for us. It brings the whole family together to help build something that gives enjoyment not only to us but the community around us.
This year there are 4,200 LED lights across 42 channels (sets of lights) and were programmed to one of our favourite Christmas songs (and movies), “Mr Grinch” – by the Whirling Dervishes.
Best wishes for your holiday season, and take care.
by Aaron | Aug 31, 2012 | Backup Smart
First some news…
There was an Adobe AIR update recently to v3.4.0 which seems to have played havoc with some users Backup Smart installations.
After upgrading Adobe AIR Backup Smart loses it’s Adobe AIR store where all the settings and tasks are stored. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be any way of avoiding this. It also doesn’t happen to everyone. So I’m unable to advise if you will be affected until you upgrade AIR.
However Backup Smart has the ability to save your task list to an external file for safe keeping (It has a file extension of *.BSM). I highly recommend you do that before upgrading Adobe AIR to v3.4.0, just in case. Backup Smart prompts you to create / update this external BSM file every time you close the software after you’ve made changes to a task.
This way if you do lose your Backup Smart tasks and settings it will only take you a few clicks to get everything back by re-loading your saved task list. You will still need to re-enter your settings though those are not exported with the tasks.
If you didn’t save your task list and have already upgraded your Adobe AIR and you’ve lost your task list then you will have re-enter them in. If you have a lot of tasks then please use the bulk CSV file insert method. You can access the CSV template from the download page.
The other thing you need to note, is that you will need to re-register again using the email that you purchased the software with. When you go to re-register the system will tell you that you are already registered. You will need to clear your serial number out of the licensing database here
It’s been a long time in between updates for Backup Smart, v1.69 has now been released. You can upgrade from inside the software or from the download page. This release is unrelated to the Adobe AIR update already mentioned.
Host Monster support has been dropped since they are no longer using cPanel backup methods. They have their own special backup sauce now, and they have discontinued access to the standard cPanel backups.
If you experience any issues or need a hand with post Adobe AIR v3.4.0 updates, please submit a ticket in the support helpdesk here.