Should you find yourself wanting to download private Vimeo videos as I did – here are the step by step instructions to follow.

This method is the free way – if you want to shortcut the process just buy the extension.


  • Vimeo video (of course)
  • Chrome web browser
  • Simple Vimeo Downloader extension (get from the Chrome Store)
  • Video editor application of your choice (Windows 11 bundled is ClipChamp)

Assuming you have all the pre-requisites

  1. Search the Chrome Store (use link above) and then install the Simple Vimeo Downloader extension

2. Enable the extension

3. Browse to your private Vimeo video page. You may have to play the video for the extension to find it.

4. Click on Simple Vimeo Downloader icon. This will overlay the download options onto the video.

  • Choose which video size you want to download
  • Choose the audio to download


5. Use a video editor to stitch the video and audio back together again. For example use the inbuilt Windows video editor – such as ClipChamp